Touch the high-quality web development services and launch a new web app into a startup world

Why do you want to partner with us?

During the web development process, there are 3 particularly important things for you as a founder:

Your vision

Your expectations, values, ideas, and beliefs are a priority to us, so in the end, you can get an outstanding website or web application for your specific target audience.

The vision/market fit

The business component of your web startup is also important to us. You can be sure that we will do our best to adapt your vision to the real needs and opportunities of the market.

The quality of the final product

You will get constant end-user orientation and transparent communication with us, while the use of the best product development solutions ensures an exceptional web application.

When should we collaborate together?


You have a solid product idea but no experience in web development or startups.


You have a working MVP or a product and are looking for additional specialists or a dedicated team for web development.

How do we develop web apps and websites?

You can get the most customer-friendly and startup-centric approach to the web development of sites or applications. Let's look at it step by step:

Initial communication

At this stage, you can meet our team and tell more about the project. You will find out what our web development team is and why we are a good fit for your startup. We will sign an NDA and find out your vision, expectations, and requirements.

Defining your product

Our team will define the scope of work based on your expectations and requirements. At the end of this stage, you will get an in-depth estimation and decomposition of future work as iterative deliveries.

Designing UX/UI

Based on your requirements, you will get the design services from a team of designers and web developers that are ready to design a user journey, user experience, and interface suitable for your future web development project.

Developing website

Your design will turn into a live web product. Developers set up the servers and code both backend and frontend. You'll be able to track the progress in iterative demos.

Launching and scaling

Regular testing during development allows your target audience to get a quality website right after launch. It allows you and the team to get quality feedback and create a roadmap for future iterations and digital marketing strategies.

The challenges in the web app development

Your startup needs a solution that's scalable, fast-growing, and user-friendly. But there can be some challenges that we know how to solve:


Scalability frees your web application from bottlenecks that can both degrade the user experience and increase costs.To deal with it, you can get the optimization of 3 key fields: software code, use of hardware resources, and a database design.

Implementation of CI/CD

CI/CD is all about automating code updates. However, this process is full of pitfalls: limited environment, ownership-based or coordination-based challenges, and even more.

Performance optimization

If your web product performance results in significant loss of growth, customers, and money, the solution lies in a complex approach to optimization: code refactoring, connecting CDNs, performance-focused database design.

What technologies and tools do we use?


App frameworks Databases Hosting Server


Languages Libraries

UI/UX Design

Main tool Animation Prototyping


Main tools
What do you get as a result of cooperation?

UX design

You will get a prototype that shows how to improve the website logic quickly and at a low cost. Your vision will be implemented in a user-friendly version.

take a look

Project documentation

You will gain an interactive spreadsheet with:

  • technical detailed and human-readable requirements
  • features suggestions and roles decomposition
  • the team decomposition

You'll be able to customize the development configuration and see the budget suggestions.

take a look

Your website

The main deliverable of the work will be your working website or web application.

  • technology stack and required libraries
  • general architecture of an app
  • database planning

Have a question? Look here

Startup web development is the process of creating websites or web applications.
The main stages of the process are:

  • UX/UI website design
  • web development: client-side and server-side scripting
  • web content creation and uploading
  • website security configuration and so on

The main types of web development services include:

  • UI/UX design and prototyping
  • web application development
  • custom software development
  • full-stack web development
  • e-commerce development
  • creation of a minimum viable product
  • CMS integration
  • QA and testing
  • web support and maintenance

The chances for success are much higher if you have a visual representation of your business.
The website allows your startup to include all possible features and ensure you have constant interaction with your customers.
The website puts your product to the next level and allows you to achieve your business goals faster and more efficiently.

This is the first thing that potential investors and clients see when getting the impression of your product.
At the same time, for many startups, a simple one-page website and simple web design with all the necessary information will be sufficient.

In 2021, the average cost of a startup website ranges from $6,000 (for a small business website) to $95,000 and more (for a complex custom website)
The final cost greatly depends on the various features, functionality, and integrations.

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This could be the beginning of something great!

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