Create predictable, repeatable, and scalable growth with a mature UX design process.

Why do you need UX design consulting?

UX design consultation is a way to find out the non-obvious pains of end-users and target audiences. Why is this important?

Increasing ROI

Your existing product experience needs to be measured, analyzed, and improved. This will allow you to reduce costs and increase engagement now.

Discovering new opportunities

Gaps and weaknesses in the existing UI/UX design open up new prospects for business or startup growth. UX research and design processes help to find new points of growth on a regular basis.

Why do customers partner with us?

Choosing a UX consultant is a matter of accelerating product growth and optimizing processes. What do we do differently that attracts our customers?

Save your in-house resources

An optimized UX design process allows you to focus on the most essential features and functionality and develop only those updates that will return the investment.

Establish the right UX processes

The UX design process determines the effectiveness of the entire development team: from UX research marketers to the implementation of features by UX researchers and developers. We'll help you find and deal with bottlenecks to accelerate time-to-market.

When should we collaborate together?


You are the startup founder with an idea that will fundamentally replace the existing user experience


You are a product manager with complex product and business goals looking for UX improvements


You are a serial entrepreneur looking for new points of growth for existing or new business

Learn more about our UX design consulting services

We provide UX consulting services based on 2 models of work:

Project from scratch

Your application needs to update the User Experience, and you want to hire a dedicated consultancy team to take care of improving your product.

Dedicated UX consultant

You already have a designer or design team working on UX. However, you are looking for outside expertise to analyze how to improve both the application and the workflow.

What do you get as a result of cooperation?

UX design

You will receive a detailed breakdown of existing UX and user-unfriendly design issues with actionable guidelines on how to significantly improve UX.

UX design

We use a prototype to represent and improve the app's logic quickly and at a low cost. We deliver you a user-friendly version of your vision.


Have a question? Look here

We recommend hiring a UX consultant when your product design needs a stronger focus on the business aspects.
A UX consultant usually can understand the whole ecosystem of the information architecture and see how the UX designers can implement it.
Such specialists can say what user experience design fits better to your product’s goals, optimize expenses by choosing the right UX processes, and describe the UX strategy’s roadmap before the start of the product development.

A UX consultant is an experienced specialist with knowledge of

  • UX research,
  • prototyping,
  • user interface design,
  • user research,
  • user roadmap,
  • research into existing systems,
  • user experience design, etc.
    • UX consultant’s experience usually involves coping with business challenges and hidden problems and turning them into business opportunities.
      UX Consultants use various methods for their practice, including surveys and interviews, testing, case studies, usability testing, customer experience testing, and research analysis.

The UX consulting process at UX studio involves multiple product design services at different levels of the project:

  • UX, UI design,
  • marketing strategy,
  • advertising
  • development,
  • the design process, redesign, visual design,
  • user testing, maintenance of the product.
In general, the UX consultant’s work includes:
  • UX primary research and target audience analysis;
  • Creation of customer personas and roadmaps;
  • Wireframes and information architecture;
  • Brand development.

The cost of hiring the UX consultants depends on the product’s details and other factors, like project scope, timeline, business strategy, location of UX consultants, their experience, and specific skills.
On average, the cost of hiring UX consultants ranges between $75 and for an experienced UX consultant to $25 an hour or even less for simple prototyping and wireframes.

The UX studio can help implement suggestions and search for unresolved user problems to increase the business performance as well as:

  • Make an analytical assessment of how popular and commercially viable such a product can be.
  • Preliminary estimate assessment of how the product meets the target audience.
  • Evaluate the product’s timeline and scope, and making changes to it on different levels (implementation details, overall concept/target audience, design approach, customer satisfaction).
  • Review and resolve issues after the product’s launch.

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