We design websites and web applications with startup ambitions and end-user pains in mind.

Learn more about our website design services for startups

To design a high-end website or web platform, we follow a 5-step process. Let's look at it in detail:


Up to 3 days

Step 1. Defining the goal

This is an initial phase that involves a lot of communication and Q&A to explore your web development idea and the goals to be achieved

Step 2. Defining the scope

Often the design requirements change on the fly. To manage expectations, we will provide time and budget for website design with achievable deadlines.

Delivery: A mood board with design concepts and project timelines

UX design

Up to 7 days

Step 3. Creating the sitemap

The sitemap is a guarantee that the website development team and stakeholders will be on the same page in terms of roles, features, and workflows. It's the foundation of smart startup web design

Step 4. Wireframing

Black and white screens with simple shape elements to give an idea and first impression of how the new website and functionality will work and where the elements will be placed

Delivery: Clickable wireframes

UI design

Up to 4 days

Step 5. Visual design

This is the final step of the design iteration. The web designers fill wireframes with visual elements: buttons, colors, shadows, and animations

Delivery: Final website design

What happens afterward?

In addition to design, we can develop your digital product, website, or web platform from scratch


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First, decide the purpose of your startup business website. If it’s an e-commerce activity, you need to start creating an online store or catalog website, corporate website, or landing page. Evaluate the volume of the proposed offers, opportunities, and strengths of the activity. Think over all the little things and nuances that can motivate potential customers to choose you. It is important to carefully and consciously approach the ideas, analyze its business goals, purpose, relevance, and think about the functions and what problems your startup can solve

A startup website is a tool for achieving the business goals of your strategy. A good startup website should be reliable, have a modern graphic design, provide necessary content, have a clear homepage structure, and be easy for new customers

There are top basic principles for a design or a redesign of the startup website to be successful:

  • the clear purpose of website landing
  • modern graphic design
  • the relevant and original content
  • simple navigation

There are some tips that can make your web design look good. These are:

  • Start with the design strategy, and answer the questions:
    - does your website design reflect your company's values and goals?
    - What impact do you want your design to have on the customer?
  • Make your website adaptive, make sure your website works smoothly on all devices. Check its size, usability, speed.
  • Better to do it in the beta version. Tell clients that your design is ready to go, but they can always give suggestions and tell what is wrong with the design
  • Keep your website as simple as possible, so everyone can use it.

Because the future of your business depends on your customers, it is extremely important to improve the user experience and increase their loyalty. Increasing customer loyalty through web design means creating a well-designed website that will meet customer expectations and requirements. A great web design can save you time and money, as well as increase user interaction

Among the key advantages of the website for startup business promotion are:

  • here are no local restrictions on attracting new customers;
  • all information is collected in one place;
  • real-time interaction with the target audience;
  • additional marketing channel;
  • enhance company’s reputation;
  • more effective business promotion;

The website design of your startup company should give your customers an idea of your product. Unlike the traditional website design, the startup website design is noticeably distinguished by the immense scope for creativity.

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