You will get the design and development of innovative online marketplaces for your visionary startup

Why do startups partner with us?

You are definitely looking for cost-effective and technologically advanced marketplace developers. We have even more to offer:

Empathetic communication

Your vision is important to us. We won't just do *development* rather collaborate with you to turn your idea into a product.

Product mindset

Often founders are fixed on their idea but have no clue what to do next. The simple answer is moving from a project to a product philosophy. We are here to help you do that.

Business-first approach

Amazon does everything. With us, you can find a specific niche to launch a product, find growth points, and profit-making channels to skyrocket your vision into a successful startup.

How do we develop marketplace applications?

We use the most customer-friendly and startup-centered approach to the web development of sites or applications. Let's look at it step by step:

Step 1

Introduction call

We get to know each other in person, go over the details of your idea, and, if necessary, sign an NDA. At the end of the call, you’ll get the first version of the project estimation.

Step 2

Project Discovery

We will gather requirements, analyze your business objectives, research products on the market, and provide you with a detailed assessment and decomposition of the project

Step 3

UI/UX design

You’ll get the design of your marketplace platform. To do that, we will conduct user research, then create informational architecture and get back to you with UX wireframes and clickable UI prototypes

Step 4


Your design will become a live platform on a server. The QA testing is included. Simple as that

Step 5

Maintenance & Scaling

You launch a platform and drive initial traffic. We collect users' feedback and analyze it. Together we generate and prioritize the feature list for the following iterations

Why do you choose us as a perfect fit for a startup?

A smooth user experience leads to increased user engagement and, as a result, a viral marketplace platform. A great UX is a result of overcoming endless challenges. Let's see which ones we've already dealt with:


  • Complex user journey
  • Poor UX writing
  • Consistency loses
  • Lack of audience personalization


  • Implementation of billing
  • Integration of tracking
  • Fake users and frauds detection
  • Creation of secure databases


  • Chicken and egg problem
  • Low customer acquisition rate
  • Poor customer retention rate
  • High cart abandonment rate
What technologies and tools do we use?


App frameworks Databases Hosting Server


Languages Libraries


IOS Android Cross-platform

UI/UX Design

Main tool Animation Prototyping


Main tools
What do you get as a result of cooperation?

UX design

The task of design services is to make the user interface of your SaaS website as attractive, convenient, and logically correct as possible.

take a look

Project documentation

You will get a set of documents describing the project and regulating the activities within the project:

  • preliminary terms of reference, the definition of the scope of the new SaaS product;
  • the plan with the intermediate stages of the SaaS web development of the time frame);
  • the project budget (any work is taken into account in the project estimate);
  • the dedicated SaaS development team

Your SaaS

Here, you can get and implement the uniqueness of your idea, that distinguishes this startup from competitors.

With the use of innovative technologies, our web development team, and non-standard approaches you’ll get the website you have in mind.


Have a question? Look here

The marketplace development company has to be experienced in implementing marketplace solutions.
The services should cover all business processes of the multi-vendor marketplace, while the development should include

  • product information modules (PIM)
  • order management systems (OMS)
  • merchant portal
  • customization
  • and an analytics module.
Everything must be integrated with external systems such as CRM, logistics services, etc.

In order to process your request in a quality manner, we carry out fundamental preparatory work, during which you can communicate with the team and see how our processes work. During development, business and technical requirements are constantly monitored by team leaders. And to exclude the possibility of bugs, we test the application for a long time and hard so that your users do not experience any difficulties when using the platform.

There are three main categories of marketplace platforms depending on their target audience and business model:

  • business-to-business (B2B marketplace)
  • business-to-customer (B2C marketplace)
  • and peer-to-peer (P2P marketplace), or sometimes called customer-to-customer (C2C marketplace).
The marketplace model is relevant for a large number of industries, as it is an easy way to expand the range of products or services without increasing costs.
World practice shows that most of the companies that become marketplaces are
  • e-commerce businesses
  • large retailers
  • postal and logistics operators
  • real estate
  • financial organizations
  • marketplace app development, and IT development companies.

The average cost of custom marketplace mobile app development ranges between $40,000- $90,000 for a single mobile app development platform.

The general cost of the online marketplace is between $45,000 and $120,000. The price highly depends on

  • the region
  • size of the development team
  • complexity
  • features
  • type of e-commerce marketplace
  • partner software development company
  • business model
  • payment gateways, etc

The marketplace is a platform where the buyer can compare and buy goods at once from several sellers.
The marketplace website is a kind of intermediary between the consumer and those who offer their products or e-commerce services.
There you can sell countless products, provide convenient conditions for the purchase, provide the necessary guarantees, get quality assurance, and receive high-quality products.
The source of income for the marketplace is the commission for the e-commerce business.

When should we collaborate together?


You have an idea and a vision, but no technical expertise, so you're looking for an expert to build an MVP


You are a business expert who sees a problem that others don't. So look for a team to convert the idea into a custom MVP


You have both business and technical expertise, but you're looking for a trusted partner to outsource the design and development of an MVP

Work With Us

This could be the beginning of something great!

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