Together we'll design and develop a minimally viable product to quickly test the riskiest business hypotheses, select the most vital, and scale into a feature-rich product.

Why do startups partner with us?

MVP development is the cheapest and most risky-free way to test the core of your business model. There are four reasons why this is the case.

Idea validation’s sprints

An MVP helps to find out how effectively your core features solve customer’s pains. And it allows you to change a strategy earlier if hypotheses fail.

Faster time to market

An MVP development goes rapidly and iteratively. It gives you the possibility to promote a product and look for customers early on.

Budget-friendly investments

An MVP saves you money at the start point. Hence, you can focus on customer development rather than spending money on coding.

Mitigated risks

Software development is a complex process that is full of risks in each step. The development of an MVP is a proven way to mitigate most of the common risks.

When should we collaborate together?


You have an idea and a vision, but no technical expertise, so you're looking for an expert to build an MVP


You are a business expert who sees a problem that others don't. So look for a team to convert the idea into a custom MVP


You have both business and technical expertise, but you're looking for a trusted partner to outsource the design and development of an MVP

How do we design and develop a startup MVP?

The MVP development process must be fast, flexible, and iterative. We achieve this by following six steps.

Generating and validating ideas

An MVP is about validating risky business ideas that may work. And maybe not. It is why we take the time to work with you to come up with, select and prioritize the hypotheses that we will test.

Planning and creating documentation

You’ll get the documents with the business and technical requirements, on the basis of which we will make the design and code for the future product.

UX/UI design

Visualization of the critical business logic in black and white wireframes and then create a color interface version for development.

MVP development

The very step is to create code and bring your design to life into a clickable, functional product.

Gathering feedback from the target audience

An in-depth interview stage to find out how the value of the MVP resonates with the real pains of the target audience and what to focus on in the subsequent iterations.

Repeat iteration

You’ll get the analyzed feedback from the marketplace, and we’ll go back to step one, creating and validating hypotheses for MVP functions.

How to choose an MVP development company?

There are many approaches, checklists, and frameworks for choosing the most suitable software developers. And there is one more, from the team with their own product's background.

Product viability

here are many teams on the market focused on the rapid development of a product.At the same time, the true goal of product viability is the constant testing of risky hypotheses and the use of MVP for its growth. That’s what we do.

Lean adopters

Make sure your team follows Agile and SCRUM methodologies as we do. It helps to break down products into projects and projects into sprints.Each sprint should combine the founder's vision and solve hidden user problems.

Product mindset

The startup means much more than just coding. Poor performance can lead to a waste of money and disappointing outcomes.That’s why your team must always prioritize your business interests and implement only the vital features your MVP needs.

What technologies and tools do we use?


App frameworks Databases Hosting Server


Languages Libraries


IOS Android Cross-platform

UI/UX Design

Main tool Animation Prototyping


Main tools
What do you get as a result of cooperation?

UX design

You will get a prototype that shows how to improve the website logic quickly and at a low cost. Your vision will be implemented in a user-friendly version.

take a look

Project documentation

You will gain an interactive spreadsheet with:

  • technical detailed and human-readable requirements
  • features suggestions and roles decomposition
  • the team decomposition

You'll be able to customize the development configuration and see the budget suggestions.

Your website

The main deliverable of the work will be your working website or web application.

  • technology stack and required libraries
  • general architecture of an app
  • database planning

Have a question? Look here

The concept of MVP can be used to create a startup using developed digital services and software.
You develop a product or service, and your task is to track and analyze the behavior of people who will use this product (website, application, automated service, etc.).

The MVP (minimum viable product) is a stage of development of a startup or IT product when it solves at least one very important task of users (customers) and thus demonstrates its "viability".

At the MVP stage, the product has users who can say what’s good or criticize it. The MVP proves the idea that customers need the product.
And if at the stage of MVP the product does not solve important tasks, then you can know what to change and get important feedback from the target audience.

An MVP impacts the development of your business by shortening the development time, as it allows you to get the user feedback faster, so you can save time on creating software that will not work as you want.

Among the successful MVP, examples are such companies as Virgin Air, Airbnb, Unsplash, Zappos, etc.
In the case of Virgin Air, Richard Branson started his entire business with just one plane, which went only one route. Thus, Branson worked out his business hypotheses and improved them.
The number of planes increased with the growth of business and the successful testing of his ideas.

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